RTA briefs students from Ajman University about hi tech practices


Source:  www.rta.ae

The Information Technology Department, Corporate Technical Support Services Sector, Roads & Transport Authority (RTA), has recently received a delegation of students from Ajman University of Science and Technology (Fujaira Branch) to brief them on the best practices of IT and green technology management in an effort to further the knowledge of students and familiarize them with the practical aspects of their academic studies.

Abdullah Al Bastaki, Director of IT of the RTA, highlighted the importance of the social interaction with various educational institutions including universities in and outside the UAE with a view to cementing the cooperative links with the RTA through sharing expertise and enriching the knowledge of students with practical achievements made by the RTA in terms of giant road and transportation projects, particularly the management of the IT sector.

“During the gathering, we gave students of Ajman University of Science and Technology a briefing about events, programs and initiatives the Department is keen to launch during this year.

They have also been acquainted with various sections of the Dep’t along with an idea about the nature of their jobs, roles & responsibilities in the fields of Information Security, GIS, electronic governance, infrastructure, IT systems & services, upgrading & supporting applications, besides briefing them on the organization chart of the Dep’t and sector. The delegation was also taken in a site tour of RTA offices to know more about the organizational units.

At the end of the scientific visit, the delegation hailed the positive spirit of the RTA and the cooperative stance and willingness shown to deal with other bodies, particularly educational institutions, which will in turn contribute to availing an opportunity for others to check the best programs and practices adopted to marry the theoretical studies of students with the practical reality, and accordingly enrich their knowledge gathering and empower them to complete and pass the graduation projects in flying colours. More info RTA.ae

Delhi Metro News