Dubai car number plate fetches Dh1.34m


By Staff

Dubai plate number H 27 caught the fancy of bidders at the 75th Distinguished Number Plates Auction held recently by the Licensing Agency at the Roads & Transport Authority (RTA), fetching a neat Dh1.34 million.

The open Auction, which was the first to be arranged this year, yielded total proceeds amounting to Dh17.649m as a result of selling binary as well as three, four and five-digit licensing number plates, the RTA said in a statement.

“The total number of plates offered in the auction was 105 plates spanning various plate codes, however, the binary plate (H 27) ignited the interested of bidders pushing the price to the highest limit in the auction, clocking Dh1.34m,” said Mohammed Abdul Karim Nimaat, Director of Vehicles Licensing at RTA Licensing Agency.

Another unique number plate went for over Dh1 million at the same auction, which attracted 230 bidders from various segments of the community. “The quintet plate (K 11111) fetched Dh1.07m, quartet plate (H 7777) was exchanged for Dh760,000, triple plate (J 101) was sold for Dh420,000, and another treble plate (H 300) brought back Dh420,000,” Nimaat revealed.