Dubai’s drone delivery service moves closer with ‘delivery box’

Dubai-based start-up Eniverse is working with Fetchr to deliver the region's first autonomous drone delivery service

At LogiSYM, a supply chain and logistics industry summit in Dubai, Eniverse representatives will showcase the DoorBox (pictured), which will be connected to a recipient’s mobile and allow delivery operators and courier services to unlock the box as soon as the drone as it arrives.

Dubai-based startup development firm Eniverse has unveiled the ‘DoorBox”, a fully automated receiving box that will be placed receive deliveries from drones.

In November, Eniverse announced that it had teamed up with Fetchr and San Francisco-based drone delivery firm Skycart to deliver the first autonomous drone delivery service in the region.

At LogiSYM, a supply chain and logistics industry summit in Dubai, Eniverse representatives will showcase the DoorBox, which will be connected to a recipient’s mobile and allow delivery operators and courier services to unlock the box as soon as the drone as it arrives.

According to the company, Eniverse is currently waiting on approval from the Dubai Civil Aviation Authority (DCAA) to the first proof-of-concept of its drone delivery service in Dubai.

Upon approval, the company plans to collaborate with Fetchr and Dubai’s Roads and Transport Authority to make the system operational.

“As the first company to implement this new technology in the UAE, we are looking forward to receiving the approval sought from the DCA to officially begin conducting business and solving the many problems associated with the traditional supply chain in today’s fast-paced marketplace,” Eniverse founder Mohammed Johmani said. More

By Bernd Debusmann Jr